Şu Anda Ne Dinliyorsunuz?

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Catherine Ribeiro + Alpes adlı Fransız progresif - saykodelik rock yapan grubu dinliyorum. Çok az biliniyorlar, ancak inanılmaz işleri var. Bir şans verin derim.

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Karaduman, bir amatörü daha profesyonel dünyaya kattı.

Dos, tres, horas para disfrutarte
Y dos de cada siete dias para darte
Un pasaje en la mas bella historia de amor
Dos, tres, horas para contemplarte
Y dos de cada siete dias para darte
Me acomodo en un rincon de tu corazon

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@Eindridi sayesinde yeniden keşfettiğim müzik grubu :partying_face:

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“Lend me the help or send me to hell, either way I know I’ll die”

Sözlerinin sevdiğim kısımları.

Wrist still got the slice on it
That walking stigmata and poltergeist
Still feeling stuck every single night
Don’t give a fuck if I live or die
Surprised to this point that I have survived
I’m hungry and you looking like steak
Trigger finger itching and you looking like fake
Trash done passed and you looking like waste

Tonight we guaranteeing graves
Tonight’s the night we ride
Tomorrow will never come
Yeah, tonight’s the night we die
Yesterday I met my death, I think it’s been a long time
Stuck in limbo with my kinfolk, gave my life to suicide
Yung Plague with the masked face
Bones will never break because I rape the souls of those who chose the wicked road
I’m haunting the afraid
No name on the grave just grey stains spray painted
Slave to the great grey grave, aye
Lend me the help or send me to hell, either way I know I’ll die
The G, the 5 the 9, it’s $UICIDE

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Keşke benim de aklım olsa da onunla konuşmam olsa.

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