Tchaikovsky reyiz Spiderlight’ı Übermensch olmadığını göstermek ve Homeland Securty’i yatıştırmak için araya sıkıştırmıştı. 
Ben de 7. bölümü bitirdim, kaldı iki bölüm. Reyize şapka çıkarıyorum, okuduğum en derli toplu, en iyi yazılmış novellalardan. Hiçbir kelimeyi harcamıyor demiştim ya, bu sözümün arkasındayım.
Üslubun kalitesine örnekler:
And Manx Jack gets you on your own once, and tries to get you to go against Roben and go with the girl, willing as she is. He wants the vicarious thrill of it, you reckon, or else he thinks he might be next to get lucky once you’ve leant your weight against that forbiddance and weakened it.
“Vicarious thrill”, müthiş bir ifade. Aynı şekilde, “once you’ve leant your weight against that forbiddance and weakened it.”
The sound that comes from his servants is that of worshippers seeing their god’s idol pulled down.
The villages are full of slapped children and beaten wives and men with missing teeth and black eyes, after all. Sometimes the screw of frustration can be turned enough that it compensates for the dampened serotonin and testosterone.
Ogerlara dair:
Jeton bende hala düşmedi. Torquell Ogre’ların ortaya çıkışlarını şöyle açıklamaya çalışıyordu: Üst seviyeden, zengin ve yöneten elitler grubu alt seviyeden olanları genetik olarak modifiye etmişler (ilk başta gönüllü olarak sonra yasalar zoruyla), ancak kendileri bu müdaheleye tabi tutmamışlar. Hatta kendi genetiklerini onlara daha güçlü ve büyük yapacak şekilde aksi yönde değiştirmişler.
Ancak Isabel bunun doğru olmadığını, konu üzerinde biraz daha düşünmesi gerektiğini söylemedi mi? Doğu açıklama bu değil sanki.
Kitapta Komünist Manifesto’ya göndermeler bulmak da mümkün, bu tip detaylar hoş olmuş.
Isadora’s smile tells you it’s a good question. “There’s a theory held by the worthies who run the company – glorified boys’ club that it is. They say that their workforce must be kept in such artificially straitened circumstances, with shortages and competition, or they wouldn’t work. If you let the Economics be comfortable and happy and free of fear and want, then what if they just sat at home and did nothing? They say that unless you force people into a position where they must work or starve, no work would get done.”
You think on that, and on what you’ve learned so far about Isadora’s discipline and its foundations. “Have they proved this theory?”
Isadora raises an eyebrow.
“That’s what you do with a theory, isn’t it?” you press. You feel as though you’re about to say something stupid at any moment, but the idea is so obvious. “Have they tried feeding and making people happy to see if they still did the work?”
Isadora laughed, and at first you think you have been stupid, but she’s laughing at her peers, whom she plainly doesn’t think much of. “You know,” she says, between guffaws, “I don’t think they ever tried. Funny, that.”